Tummy Tuck2023-10-27T12:12:29+03:00

Tummy Tuck for Perfect Body Proportions

A radical change in appearance, relevant to both men and women.

About the Treatment


Consultation of a plastic surgeon
Eyelid surgery
from 1400€
Protruding ear surgery
from 1100€
Double chin reduction (liposuction)
from 1500€
Tummy tuck
from 3800€
Gynecomastia surgery (for men)
from 2600€
Skin formations removal (surgical)
from 250€
Bichat fat removal
VASER Lipo body sculpting
from 3300€
from 4500€
Breast lift and augmentation with implants/fat
from 5300€
Brow lift
Lip lift

About the Treatment

Abdominoplasty, also called tummy tuck is a relatively complex operation, during which the excess adipose tissue and skin in the abdomen and waist area are removed, the abdominal wall fascia and muscles are tightened, and diastasis recti is sutured if necessary.

Pilvo plastika

What Else Should You Know About Tummy Tuck?

Are the results permanent?2021-04-29T17:43:42+03:00

Although the results of tummy tuck are long-lasting, they still depend on lifestyle, physical activity and nutrition.

How to prepare for the surgery?2021-04-29T17:43:20+03:00

You should first start by consulting a plastic surgeon. During the consultation, expectations are discussed, the problem areas are identified and possible alternative treatment methods might be recommended. The doctor will examine your health problems, discuss the medication you are on and resolve many other relevant issues. It is necessary to mention all the medications you are taking, your harmful habits and the diseases you are suffering from. Your doctor will advise you to stop taking some medicines (such as blood thinners). You will also discuss the process of the surgery and postoperative plan to make healing smoother.

Who is not suitable for tummy tuck?2021-04-29T17:42:58+03:00

Abdominoplasty is not suitable in case of obesity (it is performed after losing weight), also, if you smoke (in this case the incisions might not heal poorly, complications are more common), if you are planning a pregnancy (abdominal muscles and skin may stretch again during pregnancy; it is best to perform the operation after all pregnancies). Tummy tuck is usually performed only on healthy people, so it is necessary to warn your doctor about any health problems, medications and dietary supplements.

Will tummy tuck help you lose weight?2021-04-29T17:42:35+03:00

Unfortunately, this operation is suitable when weight is already lost and the skin of the abdomen is sagging, also, local stubborn fat deposits do not give up, neither by dieting nor by exercising. Abdominoplasty does not help to lose weight, it is only designed to beautify the abdominal area, reduce circumference and restore waist symmetry.

How is tummy tuck different from abdominal liposuction?2021-04-29T17:41:57+03:00

During liposuction, subcutaneous fat deposits are liquefied and aspirated through minimal skin incisions. Meanwhile, during tummy tuck the sagging abdominal skin is also lifted (this problem is caused by previous changes in abdominal circumference during pregnancy, weight gain and loss, as well as loss of skin elasticity due to natural aging processes), if necessary, diastasis recti is sutured during the same operation. Sometimes both liposuction and abdominoplasty are performed at the same time.

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+370 630 50000 Vilnius

+370 630 50000 Kaunas